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a systemised approach for rapid growth


For the past 8+ years 24HOURMARKETINGPLAN has been working with start-ups (minimum requirement $1m rev or $3m raised) and businesses scaling for raise or exit, providing them real, actionable marketing.  Not consultative theory, but “rubber-on-the-road” action that delivers engaged digital communities, leads, sales, data and brand equity. 

We have now systemised our approach to enable us to provide fast, logical and effective marketing that has delivered results time and again for B2B, B2C and DTC businesses.  See who we’ve done it for >

Our proprietary approach is broken into 6 parts, 4 hours a part (over a few weeks or months) working with founders to either interrogate or develop marketing, to scale their business.  We are the bridge between you doing-it-yourself at the start and the point at which you need a marketing agency and/or in-house marketing team.



Invest 24 hours of your time in return for your 3-year marketing plan.  See what we do together in the sessions AND what you get in return across the 6 parts here >

Plans Delivered
$ 0 m+
Helped Raised
$ 0 m+
Helped Exit
0 +
Marketing Tasks Completed

axiom final


AXIOM Workplaces

– Customer/prospect data strategy to capitalise on significant growth opportunity post-Covid (2022).
– Full build out of Salesforce/Hubspot sales/marketing engine
–  Brand development for push into US-market (2023).
“Champions” – Andrew, founder

check AXIOM here




– Setup digital approach (CRM, digital media, reporting etc) for launch of Indian second-hand car marketplace into Australia (2021).
– Coordinated digital agencies to deliver $700k (media) through launch.
– 1k cars sold(mth3), onboarded internal mkt team, $100m debt raise (’21)
“Our day-1 team on the ground in Oz” – Mehul, founder






– Build-out of marketing automation platform Wordpress/Hubspot (2021) 
– Onboarded the internal marketing team to scale growth while capital raising ($5m Series A in 2022)

Check out GLOW



28 By Sam Wood

– Launch of fitness and nutrition brand (2017), scaling to 400k customers (2022)
– 2x full rebrands as we broadened market leadership (2018, 2020)
–  Exit at +$70m (2022).
“Couldn’t have done it without you mate” – Sam, founder

read more about the 28 Exit here



FT TM (1)



– Developed and tested name, brand look and feel (2022)
– Build-out marketing automation platform, plus full sales pipeline Hubspot (2023) 
– Currently operating as virtual marketing team while the business to scales, first customers (+$’000’s growth in first quarter 2023

check out FinTalkr





– Brand development and martech setup for pre-launch of fintech app
– Acquired 10k qualified pre-registrations (2022)
– Directly leading to securing of $5m funding round (pre-rev).

“Wow, this mob moves fast” – Tim, founder
                                                                      Check out IOUcash





– Brand creation and pre-launch of mental fitness brand
– Consumer research and customer definition
– Leading to securing of first corporate client

 – Paul, founder






– Launch of over 60s fitness and nutrition brand/eCommerce store in 2020 (Oz) and 2022 (USA)
– More than 6k customers built out from organic growth via Private Facebook Communities.

No quote, as owned by the same company as 24HOURMARKETINGPLAN

check out Fitat60




Vault House Group

– Redevelopment of their data structure to deliver ongoing deeper insights to members.
– Full build out of technical structure for all digital channel communications.

“Allowed us to get going with confidence” – Oliver, Co-founder

check out VHG 

the bridge between doing-it-yourself and engaging a marketing agency


Some of the theories/processes we know work…



Over 24hours this is what you get…

Step1Hours 1-4


Market research, comp. analysis, brand positioning:

- 1 hour discovery - who do we want to be, be like, topple, disrupt, what are people buying already?

- 2 hour workshop - review findings of the desk research then sweat the details

- 1 hour review - findings, benchmarks and action plans for the next step.

Step1-wHours 1-4


Step #1 – market research, comp. analysis, brand positioning:

– 20-30 page presentation looking at your market defining industry benchmarks

– TAM/SAM/SOM/EVGs (see resources) 

 – Excel chart detailing deep analysis on 5-20 of your potential competitors

 – Positioning table (see resources) on where your brand might find white space.

Step2Hours 5-8


Proposition development, customer segmentation and core brand idea:

- 1 hour discovery - what is our purpose, what values do we have and who is the customer we'd trade grandma for

- 2 hour workshop - what are the cultural, category, people and brand insights we can leverage?

- 1 hour review - review insight cube, core brand idea (see resources), and briefs for next step

Step2-wHours 5-8


Proposition development, customer segmentation and core brand idea:

 – 5-10 page presentation showing potential customer segments

 – Insight Cube (see resources) 

 – Brand House (see resources).



Step3Hours 9-12


Look, feel, tone, colour, iconography:

- 2 hour discovery - who do we like, what don't we like, how do we want it to feel, who might we aspire to be? (output - brief for designer)

- 1 hour workshop - decision of concepts we want to put into customer testing

- 1 hour review - review of customer testing results and decision of final brand look and feel

Step3-wHours 9-12


Look, feel, tone, colour, iconography:

– 1-3 page brief for the designers/agency

– 10-20 page brand book/bible (inc colour, fonts, example imagery)

– Colour emotion analysis (see resources)

– High-res master-file assets of logo, iconography etc.

– Testing execution plan, assets and report of findings.

Step4Hours 13-15


The story we’re going tell and where we’re going to tell it:

- 1 hour discovery – what do we want the story to be when we go to market, what are the key calls to action and the data points we need to capture?

- 2 hour workshop – what are the phases we need to go through to get our story into the minds of our customer, do we want to test or pre-launch?

- 1 hour review – review of testing results and decision on the final narrative (some might call this your Marketing Strategy).

Step4-wHours 13-15


The story we’re going tell and where we’re going to tell it:

 – 20-30 page Marketing Strategy presentation as central focus and reference point for year 1-2 of your go-to-market.

 – DECIPHER (see resources)

 – Testing execution plan, assets and report of findings.



Step5Hours 16-20


The systems we need to tell the story and capture the data with:

- 1 hour discovery – what do we currently have at our disposal, what systems, data and so on? What might we need by/for exit?

- 2 hour workshop – what systems (martech) and media platforms are available to us, how much do they cost, what is the time to implement?

- 1 hour review – decision on the systems we are going to use, how they/who will implement them and technical specs.

Step5-wHours 13-15


The systems we need to tell the story and capture the data with:

– 10 page analysis of current data/systems

 – 20-30 page analysis of potential systems to use

 – Excel costing analysis detailing set-up costs and initial digital media spend to achieve realistic CPAs pre-launch/launch.

 – Briefing documents, technical specification.



Step6Hours 21-24


How we are going to action it all and how we measure success:

- 1 hour discovery – what are the key milestones we have or that we feel are achievable?

- 2 hour workshop – putting the plan onto a page, setting the goals and defining the key data points.

- 1 hour review -  final agreement on the go-to-market-plan.

Step6-wHours 21-24


how we are going to action it all and how we measure success:

– Excel or Miro gant chart of activity

– Excel chart weekly marketing performance report set up

– Digital dashboarding set up.


Don’t over think it!

We’ve harnessed the power of AI to revolutionize our approach to advertising and messaging, specifically tailored to assist rapidly scaling start-ups.

By integrating cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies, we’ve unlocked the ability to expedite your route to market, enhance your effectiveness, and achieve substantial cost savings. 

We’re not precious, we use a host of generative AIs to give you the best bang-for-buck!  Chat GPT, OpenAI, Jasper.AI, Writecream, you name it, we’ve been playing with it.

Move at lightning speed – there’s no time for hesitation. We understand that you’re not Coca-Cola or Airbnb just yet, but that’s exactly why we’re here. We help you cut through the noise, discard unnecessary pretenses, and let go of ego to fuel your growth.

Our focus is on rapid acceleration, leveraging the power of AI-driven strategies to propel your business forward. With us, there’s no room for complacency; we’re driven by your ambitions and the need to succeed in today’s dynamic market. Let’s shatter the barriers, embrace the speed, and ignite your journey towards becoming an industry powerhouse.


The first coffee is free… always keen to meet with people brave enough to give it a red-hot go (founders only that is). We are happy to have a discussion, learn a little of your objectives and give our first impression on what you are doing and where we might be able to help.

We don’t do things for sweat-equity, so please don’t ask.  But we will consider all types of creative funding… we know how tough capex and cash-flow are in any small/scaling business.

Typically though, we cost out one, some, or all of the stages of the 24HOURMARKETINGPLAN with 25% to be paid on engagement.

Our founder is Matthew Morgan and today we have a small Melbourne-based practice PLUS an extensive network of freelancers/agencies (working with over 50 providers in the last 12 months) and are engaged with a team of +20 people at any one time.

Contact us if you think we can help


Our team are experienced, trained and certified to the highest levels in many martech platforms, including: